Discovering Literature Through Jakarta Islamic Book Fair 2022

On August 7, 2022, I attended the Jakarta Islamic Book Fair at the Jakarta Convention Center. I went there with my college friend Intan, and we had a great time touring all the book stands and meeting a famous writer.

The Jakarta Islamic Book Fair is an annual event that takes place in Jakarta and features Islamic books, literature, and associated products. Typically, the fair includes book exhibits, seminars, talks, and other activities connected to Islamic culture, education, and literature.

When it came to literature, there were so many options to choose from! We were particularly interested in literature books, so we spent most of our time perusing novels and poetry collections. I bought a few classics, including Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, Wira Nagara's Distilasi Alkena, and Chairil Anwar's Kerikil Tajam and yang Terempas dan yang Putus. Intan purchased the novel Limitless by Nadhira Afifah.

Besides that, meeting Asma Nadia, a well-known writer in Indonesia, was one of the highlights of our trip. She was kindly willing to pose for a photo with her fans, though we didn't get a chance to take one with her due to the crowd.

While we were browsing for books, we also couldn't resist the smell of delicious food wafting over from the food court. We took a break and indulged in some tasty Indonesian food.

We returned home at 7 p.m. after a day of literary study, excellent meals, and meeting one of our favorite writers, feeling incredibly joyful and appreciative of the experience. If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend attending this event in the future.


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